Managing God’s Gifts To Us
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
As you consider ways to give generously
1. Pray for our church and each other;
2. Be present in worship as much as possible (in person or virtually);
3. Look for a new or expanded way to get involved and engaged in one of our many activities or ministries at UCAF;
4. Please consider completing an estimate of giving card for 2025 as that helps us plan how we will serve together.
If you would like a year-to-date report of your financial support to UCAF to compare to your planned giving for the year, phone the church office at 575-377-1559 or email Finance@unitedchurchofangelfire.com.
Ways to make financial offerings:
By Mail.
Mail your gifts to: United Church of Angel Fire PO Box 949 Angel Fire, New Mexico 87710
Click on the “My Offering” button.
Use the “My Offering” button on this page to securely make an offering using your credit card.
Recurring offerings are encouraged for your ease and convenience.
Online Bill Pay
Set up online bill pay with your bank to add United Church of Angel Fire as a payee on your bank bill pay
ACH Authorization
Call the church office for assistance in setting up ACH drafts from your bank account to ours
Make sure your online banking service includes your name and address on the check to receive proper contribution credit
Complete the downloadable ACH authorization form provided here. You can either email it to: office@unitedchurchofangelfire.com or print it out and mail it through the postal service to the address provided. This allows the United Church of Angel Fire to draft from your bank account.
Publicly Traded Securities
Readily marketable securities, such as those traded on a stock exchange, can be accepted by the church. Please consult with your brokerage account representative and tax advisor.
Using an IRA to make a charitable donation may help lower a tax bill and help a worthy cause. Talk to your IRA custodian about how to make this happen and discuss tax implications with your tax advisor.
Planned Giving
An endowment, legacy gift or planned giving established in your Last Will is a way for you to leave a personal legacy and support for the United Church of Angel Fire. There are many options for planned giving and you should consult with your attorney or financial advisor.
Designated Offerings
If you wish your offering to be designated for a special purpose or fund, please indicate in the memo of your check or as a note in the online offering.
Memorial or Honorarium
When making a contribution as a memorial or honorarium, please note on the check the name of the deceased or the name of the person being honored. The United Church of Angel Fire will send an acknowledgement to both the donor and the family of the deceased (or honoree, if it is an honorarium), so please include the two addresses with your check. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.